The Colonel’s Car Accident

It's these incidental pieces of information that build such a rich picture of the Thorn family's life. Of course, I'm curious about who was in the carriage! Being 1842, I expect it was Jane, Alice or Mary. 1842: The axle of the Duke of Orléans' car broke on the way, but the car did not... Continue Reading →

Thorn’s in Marseille 1845

This passage in Le Mémorial bordelais : feuille politique et littéraire has revealed some fascinating kernels of Thorn history. It seems that when the family packed up ready to return to New York for good, they left Hotel Matignon and stayed temporarily at Hotel Forbin just outside Marseille. My assumption is that their boat was... Continue Reading →

James Jauncey senior

Below is a series of biographical notes about James Jauncey senior - father to William, and Jane Mary's father, John. (Jane Mary then married Herman Thorn and they called one of their boys James. James Thorn was forced to change his name to James Jauncey to inherit his uncle's money). The elder Jauncey's (James and... Continue Reading →

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