The Thorn’s in New Rochelle

It was interesting to read the article below, as it puts the Thorn’s back in New York in 1845, staying in New Rochelle, while they waited for Apthorp Manor to be made ready for their return. And it suddenly struck me how mobile the entire family was over the years. They were constantly on the move within France, through Europe and across to England and back to America. I wonder if it was Herman who was the restless spirit, or was a passion that he and Jane shared. I suppose when you don’t have to work, as such, it frees up time for travel.

October 1845:The celebrated Colonel Thorn and his family from Paris are now rusticating at New Rochelle, and are dashing about in great style at that beautiful watering place. The Colonel’s beautiful country seat at Bloomingdale is preparing for his reception in as short a time as possible. It is probable, however, that he will remain in the city during the winter. We have received a very curious and graphic historical sketch of Colonel Thorn’s career in the great metropolis of European refinement, highly creditable to his genius, tact and liberality, and many other excellent traits of character. We may give this one of these days. On all occasions, the Colonel maintained the dignity of the American character, and particularly cut it very thick into the English nobility, whenever he had a chance, to the great satisfaction of both French and Americans. Some rich anecdotes are told of his promptness and spirit in such tidings. Elsewhere, it is Arsène Houssaye who tells the Duke of Aumale about the great days of the Galliera hotel [on the Rue de Varenne], when Colonel Thorn was a tenant. 

New Rochelle 1850

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