Mary (Thorn) and Jeanne-Marie de Varaigne – The Lost Painting is Found!

I am absolutely ecstatic to share with you this George Healy painting of Mary (Jauncey-Thorn) de Varaigne du Borg and her daughter Jeanne-Marie. This photo has been shared with me by my French cousins to whom I send many, many thanks!! We believe that Healy painted this around 1858-60 and that Jeanne Marie is about 20 years old, which would put Mary in her early-to-mid forties. There’s almost a melancholy to the portrait. And I love Mary’s tender hand on Jeanne-Marie’s shoulder. Beautiful!

I had previously mentioned this painting in my post on the lost portraits. I am particularly grateful to the owners of the painting, who have so kindly agreed to let me put it in the book. Isn’t it amazing!!

Madame de Varaigne and Child by George Healy

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